Customer Testimonials

We appreciate the service you provided when we had our problem, and we especially want to thank Chris for his hard work and competence. 
 Paul Zimmerman

Chris was a very polite man. He explained some things to me that I didn’t know. It was appreciated. Cleaned up after himself nicely. Thank you Chris. You have a good employee with him. 
– Avola Sellers

I highly recommend Reis Plumbing & Heating to anyone. They get a 10 on my list. Their service is prompt, courteous, and very professional. Best of all I didn’t feel like they charged an arm and a leg. They will get all my business in the future. Thanks to Matt Sargeant. 
– Don Baltzer  

Another super experience with Reis. You have exceptional people working for you. Matt was very polite and courteous. Thank you for employing such good people. 
– Jevonia Sellers

Thank you for the outstanding job of replacing the mainline from meter to house and then into the house. It’s wonderful to have running water without worries of a leak.
– Joed Steinberg

Thank you for the excellent service. Matt was personable and got right to the job. He explained what he was doing and the things I needed to know to maintain my new faucet and he cleaned up after. I couldn’t tell he had worked there. I will definitely recommend you! Thanks Matt!
– Bev Williams 

Thank you very much for my plumbing repair. The men you sent were efficient prompt, prompt, polite and professional. I am happy with the work and would recommend you and your working guys anytime. 
– Sharron Busman

A big THANK YOU from a 76-year-old disabled Veteran. Ryan arrived on time, did a clean, neat, and professional job installing a new toilet for me. The cost was very reasonable!
– Rudolph Shokal (March 2024)